By admin on February 10, 2020
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PanoramaHillsSoccer/CalgarySoccerStars soccer program 2020 SPRING SEASON with Panorama HIlls Soccer program SHOULD start om May 04 2020 and run till June 24 2020 Sessions will be held @ Panorama Hills local fields and will be held on Mondays and/or Wednesdays (you will have a choice to register for once or twice a week sessions) PLEASE […]
By admin on May 13, 2018
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latest, outdoor soccer, summer soccer
ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR 2018 SUMMER SOCCER PROGRAM for KIDS with PanoramaHIllsSoccer / CalgarySoccerStars is NOW OPEN .. No community restrictions, NO VOLUNTEERING FEE… to register your child to our soccer programs, please click on the image below: